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Thursday, June 12,1:15 PM

I admit... i'm a lazy blogger... updating only like once every year, but so much has happened in 2008 i just NEED to write it down; might actually forget what happened...

Most significant happening, I'VE MOVED HOUSE!!!! so that means that i'm no longer at my old place, DUH~ anyway, pictures of my new place would be updated as soon as i reached home to do some updating. It's pretty cool if i may say so myself? haha

2nd, i've gotten my NEW HP laptop, courtesy from Starhub Maxonline, but then again, still trying to find a use for my new laptop apart from gaming

3rd, I'VE REACHED LEVEL 60 FINALLY!! after months of struggling and doughs spent.. finally i've accomplished level 60! ok, now moving on to 70... *wink*

4th, I've FINALLY RESUME my DRIVING!!! considering that my last driving practice/practical/evaluation ended back in 2007 april, ITS BEEN A HECK OF A BREAK! but then again, dumb BBDC not enough instructors.. now have to wait till july for my turn.. zzzz.. i only need to get my final evaluation done, then get my TP passed, then im OWNING THE STREETS!!! but in the meantime, guess only public transports... *sad*

5th, for some reason, i've rekinder my passion for photography, wonder if i can start seeking for candidates for a photoshoot..

6th, opps! not so much stuff i'd suppose. haha, well, back to work! OH YA!! before i forget, i'd got kicked out by SIM but accepted by MDIS, school starting for me in August 12th 2008, at MDIS campus, Bachelor of Science (Hons) Accountancy & Finance. hope i can get my license around that period too... haha

Till the next update,
"Deixa o samba rolar"!

Sunday, August 19,11:27 PM

wow, been so long since i've last blogged. oh well.. just to recap certain stuff currently happening..

1) Kinda dislocated my right shoulder a couple of days back then, no idea how i popped it though, just knew that i woke up around 4am plus in servere pain. was actually dumb enough not to recongnised it for 2 1/2hrs trying to sleep it off only to make it worse.. i mean seriously, how to dislocated ur arm while sleeping!? i have no idea, in the end, rushed to bukit gombak this chinese "sin-seh" who popped by shoulder back, seriously, THERE WAS NO PAIN, but it cost a bomb though, $95 for popping it back just like that, but then again, no other shop was available there and then.. so ya, fortunately for me.. ^^ oh well, thanks for all whom showed their care in a way or another and especially to my baby love, who took one whole day off just to popped by my place to take care of me.. was really touched by your gesture; no one paniced like you did..

2) Starting from tomorrow, it would be my exam week. although only 3 modules examinable, but it seems like so hard and so many?!? i can say i won't flunk my RFA but, seriously concern about my MA1 and my FMS.. sheesh.. tml another sleepless night..

3)oh ya, almost forgot to mention, went to watch fire works on saturday with parents and jas and dumb people crowded everywhere and for some reason, i ended up standing directly behind a tree and got my whole view blocked.. saddenly case.. haiz.. but the atmosphere was incredible, people boo-ed at double decker buses and people cheered when the fireworks went off. though blocked, i got to experience the better things in life, family. ^^

Monday, July 16,4:35 AM

it's like what, 4:35am and im still unable to slp.. lied down on my bed for like 5 hours... tossing and turning.. seemed to have tons of things on my mind.. things i wanna do, but just ain't capable of doing, have things to say, but words don't come out right, songs i wanna sing, just ain't the right time, promises made but not yet fulfilled.. so many things pacing and racing through my head.. what has happened? i really do not know... i wanna run, but away from what? sigh.. perhaps just one of those nights.. perhaps.. i'll never know..

Thursday, May 24,1:40 PM

mmmm.. just realised 2 things,

1. Vista ain't that fantastic. Appearance wise is incredible, with a lot of good improvement to interface and also being more user friendly when u finally get use to it. But overall, currently it still sucks.. not compatible with my printer, Cd-Burner nor with my Laptop.. irritating...

2. The person whom i thought was changing for the better, has changed for the worse, and on top of that, you called me "kor".

You know who you are.

What makes u think u can always shoot ur foul mouth off at people who did not offend u, what makes u think that they can stomach ur nonsense? silence DOES NOT mean concent, and if u realised, i stayed away from you this semester, for a freaking good reason; i aint want ur nonsense no more. But what else can u pull? well, if you got issues with me, ask me. No point going 1/2 way round to someone else and blowing ur top off just to say "i dunno if i can trust u anot"
What kinda person do you take me for when i asked you nicely "can u tell me what's wrong with him" and you come over, "you guess la, you guess la" and "i'm not gonna tell you" if your're not bothered, dun even start. Stop behaving like a spoiled brat who cuss and swears like it's so cool, cause it ain't.

I'm offically stating here for a fact that i had it with people who ain't got the respect to actually tell me that "hey, we've got a problem here and let's do something about it" if you are not one of those people, well, i'd just say, FUCK off. and yes, i expect you to go around talking behind my back and stuff, cause that's what you have been doing, but just a caution,

i have a short fuse, don't ever let me find out. i've been more than tolerant towards you for a sem.. u ever tempt me again, i will NOT hesitate to come down on you hard..

Tuesday, May 1,11:47 PM


that's the word which comes to my mind everytime i wake up, to see the morning sun is to know that the day is going to repeat itself; nothing's gonna change no matter how i try to look on the brighter side of it..

why is it that i feel so cold? feel so unattended, so brushed aside, that my actions all seemed in vain.. the things i do, to spend time with you, all seems so unfruitful; we'll end up everyday quarrelling or at least bad facing each other. why?

seems like all the honey is to be shown in private, no public affection, no frequent attentions towards each other, treating each other as if that we were perhaps courting each other but not to let others know.. the distance that is keeping us apart is growing ever so wider..

things that you've said you'll do, things that you've wanted to do, wish to own, i've provided them all, but still, i feel that i'm being left out, kicked aside, only got your attention when u need something from me.. i'm not being selfish or what.. but this is seriously how i felt..

sigh... i really feel down these couple of days.. really am getting tired of all this fights.. im really.. gonna break down soon..

Sunday, April 22,3:09 AM

just came back from Momo with ernest/rizal. it's was de last night of clubbing and whoh, guessed what? b actually knew i was clubbing and said yes without frowning, that's a revolutionary change!! thanks! but damn, it was FAR from happening, well, partly due to 2 other chap who aint in the mood of dancing, though surrounded by tons of grinding chicks, turns out to be TOO many!! had too many guys too.. in short, IT WAS PACKED! not much fun when it's all guys outing esp. when there is no chicks nor gfs to dance with, more like 3 gays.. lol. We've talked abt it just now and have decided NEVER to club with just guys again, instead, gonna do a triple dating like soon, and when de sun's still out and stuff. interesting~

oh ya, dumb Man U drew with m'brough... now lead is cut to 1 point.. damn damn damn damn..

oh well, that concludes another day of my boring life. off to bed for now.

Saturday, April 14,4:07 AM

well, unable to sleep, so apparently popped online a while and guess wad i found? i know how do teens spend their newly acquired talents in multimedia. check it out

Actually it's taken from the show "16".. i'm still looking around for the sequel

and i found it! *lame* -_-

and you MUST check this out, with a mum like this, no need to scared wad ah beng ah lian or anything else that matters

haha... really interesting.. ^^ food for thought!


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to be updated


1) New laptop
2) Aperture 2 for mac
3) 1 Strobe w/soft box or umbrella
4) Reflector Gold/Silver
5) Adobe Photoshop CS3
6) Honda Jazz


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